View Profile flashman16
___ I am FlashMan16 |+| It Is Time To Play ___ It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for...

Age 33, Male

The Lone Wolf

Bonny old Scotland

Joined on 8/27/07

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top left: nuclear war heads
top right: alading
bottom left: butterfly of doom
bottom right: sci fi version of 300

i don't know how you got that one
you spelled your wrong answer wrong you muppet
it looks nothing like any type of butterfly i've ever seen
that film was pretty sci fi already, that one's solved anyway

I take muppet as a compliment
I like muppets especially Animal
how i got the top left the building in the back looks like a rocket
the insect has a curling thingy like that of a butterfly so that's why i said butterfly of doom
now i am going to make another guess of top right
the babba jagga (pronounced barbba yargga)

i laugh at this idiotic answer, you should be a comedian

the babba jagga is mythical skandanavian witch

exactly, mythilogical
these cards are real

ive updated on my page i have the 2 last songs up and you will learn one last part about darkness

also if you have played devil may cry 4 you will know what im talking about

well my computers a bit fucked up at the moment thanks to troub;eshooting mode
so i can't hear any sound on either of my comps

and as the latest games console i have is a fucked xbox i haven't played DMC4, it does look good though...

Juanchi wasnt here responding, signed by Juanchi

FlashMan16 thinks someone is being a wee bit stupid here,
singed by: FlashMan16

i think i know what the show one is

is it the big bang theory?

correct (that show is really funny, what amazes me is when Howard starts talking physics really fast i think i am the only on who actually understands him)

anyhoo you get yet another point

i have just watched it yesterday night its pretty good i might start watching it next time i see it


you should, it's funny

PS, why the woot?

eh just something random ^^,

i shoulda guessed

top right: dally lamha's home
top left: the great war between the elephants and humans, humans won though, as you can see by the heads on the buildings

what were you smoking when you came up with those ones?
fuckin' 'ell...

they're wrong btw, but wtf?

wasn't smoking anything
just amazing imagination

I am the one who has the amazing imagination, your's CANT compare wih mine!

i would love to see you try!

btw i forgot to mention you dont have to comment on my page about the picture i`ve updated on

but when you can do it but take your time cause that troubleshooting thing looks like a pain in the ass

you have absolutely no idea

try imagining this, the computer is stuck on the LOWEST resolution, it's colour display can only show 16 colours, just 16 (my comp can only show the colours purple, white, gray, red, yellow, green, light blue, blue, pink, black, dark gray, dark red, dark yellow, dark green, dark light blue and dark blue; that's it)
it cannot play any sound whatsoever (not even the beeps when you press a hundred keys at once)

oh, and whenever i need to type into a text box (like this yellow one i'm typing in now) the screen keeps flashing black, very quickley which makes this typing thing so damn difficult 'cos i can hardly see what i'm typing.
oh, and whenever i am finished typing i have to keep changing the text size for some reason before the box appears letting me leave my comment which tok like a thousand years to type

i'lll have a look at your pic but you are right, this mode is a PAIN THE THE FUCKING ARSE!!!!!!!!!! >:-<

top right:
I dream of genie

and i dream of you getting one right

or would that be a nightmare? hmm...

Magic the Gathering eh? not played that in ages (too busy wiping out NMC's!)

however the only ones that i can remember are the Ivory Tower and The Hive (top left and bottom left respectfully)

did i get them right?



yes you did

you dream of ...me?
*Run's away*

no, it was definitly a nightmare
you would run!

i came 'cos i remembered the other card, then i saw the ps1 game as well, you are making these too easy
Top right is Mahamoti Djinn

and the PS1 game is Tunnel B1

you know your stuff!
both right!