View Profile flashman16
___ I am FlashMan16 |+| It Is Time To Play ___ It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for...

Age 33, Male

The Lone Wolf

Bonny old Scotland

Joined on 8/27/07

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2,130 / 2,180
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awsome! people actually thought i had a american accent untill i found out my dad told me i had a very good vocalbuary

on a completly unrealeted note its my birthday today! WOO!

awesome what? that you found out you had a good vocabulary?
scratch what i said b4, THAT is the most random hting ever

happy B-Day!

how will these ones do? i`ll keep lookig if these arent the ones you need

<a href="http://tsgk.captainn.net/index.php?p=search&q=juggernaut+fighting+sprite+sheet">http://tsgk.captainn.net/index.php?p=
search&q=juggernaut+fighting+spri te+sheet</a>

i was going to use them as an emergency backup
since it's not the juggernaut everybody knows and (maybe not) loves

thanx anyway

heh heh thanks!

(did u see my amy recoloured pic?)

you must write a thing about being in the millitary


i agree with WB2 (for once!) we would love to know how it went in the millitary! unless you dont want to then I understand! (not too sure about WB2 though! lol)

i could, but why?

ohh yea i forgot to comment on the Amy pic! awsome!


yeah i guess
did you suffer shell shock or something?
were people dying around and you were the last person in your platoon?

uhh, no?
we were in the training camps in the south of scotland shooting at targets

we weren't fighting for real!! i was 16!
omg the government may be fucked up, but they're not THAT warped!

but i am pretty good at making crap up, i could INVENT a situation like that if u want...

yeah i guess
except for the american government and the zimbabwe one aswell
yeah we would just like to learn how it was at basic training

if your sure...

what kind of guns did you fire? was it a normal handgun or did you try using diffrent kinds?

now then if you`ll excuse me im going to go on my PS3 i got yesterday!

a handgun, rifle and a sniper rifle i was trained in

i now officially hate you...........

(not for real you freaking cry-baby, stop whining lol)

Heh heh i got 45 pounds so far so im officially getting Sonic Next Gen!

More and more hate! lol!

>| ..........

lol congrats

I got a PS3 to and a wii and a DS

ffs... all i got is a DS Lite

i got a DS too i think its an elite in other words i THINK its a DS Lite

an elite?
you only get the DS and the DS Lite (as far as i know of)

WOO! my submission has an Awesome Score!!!!


I have thought of an idea
another song for
guerilla radio by rage against the machine
<a href="http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=bv3xM3v4-rI">http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=bv3xM3v 4-rI</a>
ognpre the beginning it is just part of the music clip

that would be more suitable for a music video starring sonic, i cant find any place for it in any of my ideas for flashes, but thanx anyway

(wtf does ognpre mean? did you just make an epic fail in spelling ignore?)

hey anyways sweet recouler of amy


I wins!

you win at losing

old Mcdonald was dyslexic E.O.E.O.I
is there any scene in your flashes where sonic and group following him are charging through jungle or dense forest to attack the enemy?
that song might work in something like that

uh... wtf?

huh? chasing mcdonald?
what have you been smoking?

and it's E.I.E.I.O dumshit!

no no no....
I wsa saying two different things
my brother use to say that phrase
dyslexic is a disorder for some persple that cannot read or write that is why the "E.O.E.O.I"

and the other thing was did you have scene where sonic was running through a forest or something, you could use that song guerilla radio for a scene like that

there i was thinking you were displaying more signs of being useless with words

not really suitable for running through a forest, how about this? not the best example, but better than guerilla radio for running through a forest)

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/l isten/28633

I meant like an ambush or an assualt on the enemy or something
yeah i agree the whole thing isn't good but place parts of it in a scene or something
i wasn't meaning as in pure forest that is flat
but bumpy terrain more like jungle doing like a climb/jump over rock and shit
(what i mean as in climb/jump is like when you see a person jump a fence by placing their hand on the fence and swing their legs over it in one motion)
I need pizza

i never sed it had to be flat, i was imagining jumping off the trees, dashing around them, jumping over streams etc etc

i need more people to vote 5 on my submissions and recommend them for the Sonic Collection, but we dont always get what we want do we?

so i should get something simpler?
I want water
how's that?

ur saliva solves that problem

I finished 77 and nice pic

cool! and thanx!

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