View Profile flashman16
___ I am FlashMan16 |+| It Is Time To Play ___ It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for...

Age 33, Male

The Lone Wolf

Bonny old Scotland

Joined on 8/27/07

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I believe his name was Sherlock Holmes
not Herlock Shomes XD

Keep reading

Ah shit
I just finish reading the end of the sentence = \
sorry my bad

Ah well, figured out who dunnit yet?

always the fucking butler.

still wrong since you didn't say why

the gardener said "she looked.... dead and cold"
was she murdered outside as there was frost on the windows
that is my theory

nice theory, but if she was killed outside then why didn't the killer simply hide the body in the woods or something like that, instead of going through the trouble of dragging the body into the house. Anyway the lady was in the lounge when she was killed, the Butler and Maid came in almost right after the lady screamed, so the scream came from inside the house. The lady looked cold since the maid said that "... since the room was so cold..."
Keep trying though!

Well... there are many clues that point to the gardener.

It's kind of weird that the gardener could tell which room it came from, especially being outside in the cold, with such a big house. It's one thing to hear it from upstairs, as it would echo through the house, especially in a mansion. But hearing it outside? It also doesn't state how close to the house he was. He could have been pretty far away, and it would be hard to assume what room the scream came from, he could at most just tell which direction.

He was also the only one who "thought" they heard a scream. The other two distinctly heard it. The other two raced down to where they believe they heard the scream, and they most likely knew what room she was in, both being in the house... The gardener wouldn't know where she was if he was out cutting the grass.

There's also the fact that the maid lit the fire because it was so cold. The gardener most likely came in through the window of the lounge so he could sneak up on her and stab her in the back with less of a chance of anyone else (maid, butler...) seeing him, which they could if he ran out through a door which would most likely be in front of the stairs or some other common room. The butler and maid didn't have to come through a window, they were already inside.

You certainly have been reading very closely to the text, but we already discovered that it was the gardener who killed Lady Adele, and your saying that the gardener climbed in through the window? that is a clever answer but wrong i'm afraid, you see, if it was so cold out then the window would be firmly closed wouldn't it?, if the gardener did somehow open the closed window from outside then the Lady would have noticed since she was awake at the time (how else would she have screamed?) and how are you so sure that the gardener really WAS outside at the time of the murder, remember that three alibi's are just that ALIBI'S, whether they are true or not is a different matter.
However, you are getting close, here's a tip, it IS something to do with the coldness of the lounge...

Well, the only other thing I would have thought of would be that the frost would be on the inside of the window, so the gardener couldn't wipe it off. But the fact that the maid said the room was cold, frost wouldn't be very likely to form on the window in the first place since it involves having water vapor condensing and then rapidly freezing when it touches the below-freezing window. If the room was cold, the air wouldn't be able to hold much moisture, and it wouldn't be likely to create frost. And if the room was cold, it would be equally likely for frost to form on both sides of the window as long as there's moisture.

But saying that there couldn't be frost wouldn't make sense either. Why would the gardener put that phrase in if there wasn't frost on the window? That's just a pointless fact to make up. He could just say he looked in the window. Why make your story more complicated when there's nothing to gain?

If the detective is noting the fact that the window NOW has frost on the inside, in his investigation, and that the gardener must have been lying about wiping it away, he's making a false assumption based on different circumstances. Since the woman had the window closed, and the gardener didn't come through the window, the room must have been that cold from the beginning. Especially since the maid didn't mention anything about closing a window or door or anything. So whatever way the gardener left, he closed it as soon as he left, which wouldn't have been very long, certainly not long enough to change the temperature of all the air in the room enough that the maid would light a fireplace.

Unless the maid is lying too, and the room wasn't cold.

You actually solved it, then you went on for nearly three paragraphs to show how your answer was wrong, why?
anyway this is the 1950s, so a big house like this would not have any central heating (apart from the fire which wasn't lit at the time of murder) so the room would be below freezing since it was in the middle of winter, and due to the large amount of moisture breathing gives out there would be plenty of moisture in the air in the lounge, it is a common room to sit and relax in. In these big mansions and houses from days long gone the frost gathers on the inside and outside of the windows when the air is very cold, and it was since it was in the middle of winter with no central heating (hardly any houses had it then, as far as I know), so even if the gardener wiped the frost from the outside then the inside frost would be left untouched, Herlock would have known this from training and so put the gardener under arrest, that is why I made all the people say how cold the room was, to alert people of the frost on the inside of the window. you get the point since you solved it, you will see your name on the scoreboard with everybody else who got my riddles, and will get my future riddles. Well done!

there were two small horses?

that is the wrong answer

there were two small horses?
sorry if this appears twice
damn server said it could not be sent

two wrongs dont make a right
i have that damn same problem with my server, it's like an epidemic

reason why was you didn't say what the sizes of the horse werethey could have been small or massively big
but i am guessing two of the horses were the size of shetlin ponies

reason 'cos i didn't say 'cos I thought this riddle would be a piece of pish, looks like I thought wrong didn't I?
here's a tip, its like the 3 men 4 cigs riddle, the answer kinda makes you laugh (It did with me)

send me a pm if someone has answered it right or If (doubted though) i was right

So you from scotland eh?
I heard Colin McRae died last year

ok, I will

yes I am, and yes he did, really is a shame, he stayed right round from my house (believe me or not that an international rally star stayed right around the corner from me), he had a huge funeral service in the main street, That was the biggest tellies I ever saw, they showedthe service in the church. Did you know?, with one of the most dangerous racing sports and the biggest star of them dies in a helicopter crash?, I'ts like Steve Irwin, getting tangeled up in crocodiles and huge apes and all sorts and how was he killed? by a bloody fish! (a stingray)

or sent it to the glue factory
or did you sell one of the horses?
they built another room?
you let it join the brumbies?
made the horse sleep in the tent?
I slightly don't understand how that can be funny
killing an animal as there was no room is quite stupid

I like animals
what can?
who said that?

you chopped up the horses to actually fit in three stables!?

I do feel queezy actually now you mention it...

i was gonna say the inspector because his names Herlock Sholmes so he was a cousin of sherlock holmes and was no good at inspecting so he killed the victim and blame it on either the maid or the gardener so they would go to jail and he gets all the credit for solving the mystery even though he done it

that riddle is done already, read under it!

oh shit i forgot the butler him too ^^,( read above comment)

yes you did

do they cut one of the stables off so two can fit in?

I dont think you can chop off a stable, leave them alone

chp 3 out btw

btw thats wrong

The tenth horse is being ridden and therefore doesnt need to be in the stable

completely wrong

Thats simple All ten horses do fit because one horse is tired u take one horse out and let the tired horse rest in that stable

do they all fit at once in that answer, lets see...

TENHORSES - it's nine letters, fits perfectly for me xD

Shall I draw a picture? ^^

I thought we would be here for ever! Halleuliagh! (how do you spell that word anyway? i dont think thats right but you get the idea) YOU SOLVED IT!! I thought that would be easy and would be solved immediatly, omfg was I wrong, anyhoo, you will be on that scoreboard (coming today, possibly in about 10-15mins)

no need to draw a picture, I can do that myself ^^