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Age 33, Male

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Bonny old Scotland

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madness day approaches no more, it is already over

Posted by flashman16 - September 13th, 2008

ANOTHER UPDATE i made the decision NOT to submit Sonic Madness this madnes day, rather than shove up something half arsed and quickly made, i'm going to submit it on Madness Day 2009, that way i have the tim ei need to make the movie the best it can be, i know i sed i was expecting to be able to submit it for today, but then flash went n00b on me and erased the folder the file was in, if i had the file in a folder with ALL my flash's, i would have lost EVERYTHING, so thank god for planning ahead :D, but yeah, i've had to start from square 1, which has NOT made me happy, so, yeah, expect Sonic Madness in 365 days!

UPDATE: i doubt i'm going to ba able to get my flash done in time for Madness day, flash kept crashing and never saved my progress, i was nearly finished when i clicked save, whejn i re-opened the file, everything except what i posted on spamtheweb was gone, srry about this, i'll get it done ASAP but i think i'm going to have to miss the deadline... well..... there's always next year

well, madness day is coming this Monday, i'm planning on making a flash for it but right now all i have is this http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140908 /25115_madness_test.php

i'm going to put stuff at the start of the song, so i added a skip function to skip to the actual animation, it only runs for about 6 seconds but hey, i did have to spend time drawing it all [i did not use any madness sprites, since the .fla's work only with Flash 8 and i have MX '04, so it's all drawn by me]

the main character is the one who drops down, can you recognize him?

dammit i better get moving, Flash crashed onb me twice and i almost lost everything, i was SO far into the flash as well >(


as for my youtube vid, more music, but hey, i like it ^^;

/* */
plus i love the lyrics to this one, and the beat is catchy, some other people [ok, MOST other.... oh fine.... EVERYBODY] thinks it's blarey noise ^^;

/* */


oh man that looks really good! i`ve always wanted to see a Sonic version of Madness Combat!

thank you, i'm just surprised nobody has done it before me

sonic gone mad!...ness

lol, i see what you did there

do you know the link to The shy guy kingdom? i really need some sprites from there

shyguy kingdom? sure, that is http://tsgk.captainn.net/

but if it's sonic sprites then i STRONGLY recommend http://www.themysticalforestzone.
com/Sprite_Archives/Sonic%20index .htm

scratch that i found it ^^;

ok then

yea i go to MFZ when i need Sonic sprites but this time i needed X sprites so i needed to get Dr.Light pods for a small comic i`m making

sounds cool

thanks btw!

no prob!

new post


oh and i like your madness flash

thanx! full movie coming [hopefuly] on MadnessDay

who is this song by in the vid?

song is
Breeze Vs. Lost Witness - Rise Again (Short Version)

I can't wait for Sonic Madness x3
how do you come up with this stuff anyways? xD

my own wacky imagination XD

whens madness day again? i know its sometime in september..

this monday, the 22nd of Sep [i REALLY dont have much time left]

New Post!


Ch 15 part 2 is up!


happy madness day!

we wish you a bloody action scene
we wish you a bloody action scene
we wish you a bloody action scene
and a car bomb aswell

lol, pretty good!


now to rip your head off with a chainsaw =DDD

lol, nice to see that your in the spirit of things

don't forget a crow bar to the chest!

oh you MUSN'T forget that!

ach well only 364 days to go!

yup, hm..... how to pass the time?

well as long as me and WB2 are here things will be intresting! ^^

looks that way

heres a hint put crash and mario in it makes it more epic

a bandicoot and a plumber? i think the hedgehog made it odd enough thanx :D

you know what you need?


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