i know it's been FOREVER since i mentioned my movie, but heres a little update
i've got half of my motivation for it back so i'm working on it at the rate of somebody going at something half-assed, but rest assured i'm putting my whole ass in this one, i'm just doing it slower than i would like
and just to show that i have not given up on my movie [no way in hell i'd ever do that] heres a small portion of my movie, this is scene 1 and a bit of scene 2 [the words are part of scene one]
Dark Sonic VS Emerl Ep3 Scene 1&2 Beta
i say it's Beta since i may change it slightly, but still, theres the official preview =D
hope you like it, it's all your gonna get until the movie is finished!
nice its coming along real well!
and i agree on the good/dark thing a good example would be Sigma taking over Darkness cause he's about to unleash all hell on earth -_-;
and talk about huge suspension at the end!
thank you
i dont think you understand though, equilbrium means a balance, so the balance has shifted to one of the sides, when sonic turn into darksonic the balance has shifted to the dark side, when he turns into supersonic the balance has shifted to the good side, understand now?
i love my clifhangars ^^;