Hello to all who actually come to my page, i apologize for not updating as regularily as i should have, many things happening here, i'm actually in the middle of examinations, and they are way too damn boring. That and i've been playing Last Chaos like there was no tomorrow [MMORGP, a damn good {free} game if i do say so myself]
In fact i should be studying for my next exam, but i'm abandoning that to work on Dark Sonic VS Emerl Ep3 [i do hope your grateful for that =P]
Speaking of my movie, important update, i'm most likely going to upload the movie in two parts, the first part will deal with the dialogue and the second will deal with the actual combat [yes, there will be combat, my most epic, thought out and action-packed combat scene yet]
Reason i've decided on this move? i've hit the 10,000th frame and i've only just begun on the 3rd scene =3
I think it's because of the intro.... the intro alone is longer than any of my movies so far [apart from the music video, i think they're about equal]
Well thats about it from me, Peace!
btw, heres a screenie of the main menu just to keep ya stimulated =P
looking cool!
also whats this last chaos thing like?
and btw Ch 37 is up!
well, it's like World of Warcraft, only free and easier to understand
heres a few of youtube video's showing the game
http://youtube.com/watch?v=4iwgdT JvIXQ
http://youtube.com/watch?v=qKv2TB 5x9CQ