Still, at least I can offer some kind of update now
Since I never bothered my ass to say it here my hard drive got wiped by a nasty little boot-sector virus a while back, effectivly destroying all of my flash movies to date. As of now I am starting everything from scratch and I have absolutely no motivation for it whatsoever.
So yea. . . It'll probably be some time b4 any new full movies come out, but rest assured they WILL be done!
That's pretty much what I have to say for now, if you want to keep more up-to-date on what's happening on my end of the world I suggest you head on over to my DeviantART account. I tend to keep that more up to date for some reason. . .
Anyways. . . cya!
you don't HAVE to call your series sonic RPG you can call Sonic something(make up your own name) how hard can it be?
flashman16 (Updated )
I believe you have the wrong person, I do not have a series called 'Sonic RPG'. I do not WANT to make an RPG series involving Sonic; I have 2 series I have started and I don't want more. I believe you want MidNightMaren, who DOES have a flash series entitled 'Sonic RPG', which involves Sonic in an RPG environment.
Perhaps you should direct any complaints regarding title choice to him instead.