This is my ultimate riddle
the hardest of all time
if you were on my profile before i changed my main pic you'll recognise it below
as you can see it is my username on top of a rather cool background
that background is completely unedited, only the words FlashMan16 Time to Play are what is different about it
the background is a screenshot from an older game
so, to get the rather massive 7 points for this riddle just answer me this:
What game did that background come from?
for a bonus 4 points tell me specifically what part of the game did i take the screenshot?
get this right and you'll move right up my Scoreboard
(you will need it)
SOLVED by Aya-Brea
UPDATE: since a few people are writing there own storylines on their page i though i might give it a go, only mine would be much more interactive, i would let the people of NG decide the characters fate! (yes, that means YOU! 8-O)
basically what would happen is that I would make a chapter, then at the end the character would have a choice to make, and that's where you come in, you vote on what path the character takes, majority rules then the next chapter would be based on the choice made at the previous chapter, simple!
But since people like these riddles I'll give a demo as to what the story could be like (I know I'm making myself out to be the main character but it'll be someone I made up [or yourself if you want] who will be the main character), so without further ado:
"FlashMan16 looks on at his Supreme Riddle, wondering,
"I can't make a harder one than this, and yet all others are way too easy for some people, will I just sit day after day thinking up questions for people who live in different continents?
hmm, maybe I could start my own little story... but what about my riddles? People like them, what if they don't want things to change? ... well... looks like I have two choices here, pause my riddles and start my story, or continue with my riddles, but which shall I do...?"
Now YOU decide what happens next, will FlashMan16:
A. Start his interactive story
B. Continue the riddles?
VOTING IS NOW CLOSED! option A wins as even if the last two voters voted B A still would have won
option A = 6 votes
option B = 3 votes
Option A wins 3 votes!
(Thanks to all who voted)
This is just impossible...
why thank you!
it ain't a racing game!