View Profile flashman16
___ I am FlashMan16 |+| It Is Time To Play ___ It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for...

Age 33, Male

The Lone Wolf

Bonny old Scotland

Joined on 8/27/07

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flashman16's News

Posted by flashman16 - October 1st, 2008

lookie! [btw, i added the red bit myself]

wow o.0 NG has been updated :D

Posted by flashman16 - September 26th, 2008

i was offline all day yesterday, so i never managed to reply to anything, i woke up an hour ago and thats me only just finished replying to everybody

why was i offline for so damn long? Alton Towers Resort! the place is feaking MASSIVE! with all osrts of rides that were seen on adverts, i went on all the biggest like Nemesis, Air and Oblivion. they all pwned ass

it was a school trip thing organized by the school, it's an annual thing, and for £31 for an all day pass with free transport that aint a bad deal! and when you get the pass all the rides from there on in are completely FREE

so, of course, there were 50 others and 4 teachers, but it was a 6th year only thing {people in the last year of school only] so there were no psycho's [yays]

the bus trip took forever though, we had to leave at 5:00AM! [dark muttering] and when we got back after the trip it was 11:00pm! longest bus trip EVER! thank god for the music i stored on my phone, i would have died without it

after we got off the bus we were allowed to go on our separate ways, only condition was not to get into trouble and meet back at the buses for 5:15pm, which was cool since it was only 10:00 am when we got there

i would have went myself but the other 2 "loners" of the school were there as well, so as loners we went together, one thing wrong with that though, they were both girls! normally i wouldn't care but, well, i'm SURROUNDED by girls! my registration class is almost like a irls only place [class of 32, 30 of which are girls, including the teacher, you do the math, and the other boy is as silent as me since he's not with his pals] most chats i go on are full of girls as well, so... yeah.....
if i was one of those yahoo's i would be extremely happy at all the girls everywhere, but i'm not like htat, so it doesn't bother me too much

yes i did my usual and acted bored throughout the entire day [some of it WAS boring though] but i did have a great time overall, had a Burger King for lunch, had a few laughs so yeah, it was a good day

now i just cant wait for the Bowling Night! ^^

Posted by flashman16 - September 13th, 2008

ANOTHER UPDATE i made the decision NOT to submit Sonic Madness this madnes day, rather than shove up something half arsed and quickly made, i'm going to submit it on Madness Day 2009, that way i have the tim ei need to make the movie the best it can be, i know i sed i was expecting to be able to submit it for today, but then flash went n00b on me and erased the folder the file was in, if i had the file in a folder with ALL my flash's, i would have lost EVERYTHING, so thank god for planning ahead :D, but yeah, i've had to start from square 1, which has NOT made me happy, so, yeah, expect Sonic Madness in 365 days!

UPDATE: i doubt i'm going to ba able to get my flash done in time for Madness day, flash kept crashing and never saved my progress, i was nearly finished when i clicked save, whejn i re-opened the file, everything except what i posted on spamtheweb was gone, srry about this, i'll get it done ASAP but i think i'm going to have to miss the deadline... well..... there's always next year

well, madness day is coming this Monday, i'm planning on making a flash for it but right now all i have is this http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/140908 /25115_madness_test.php

i'm going to put stuff at the start of the song, so i added a skip function to skip to the actual animation, it only runs for about 6 seconds but hey, i did have to spend time drawing it all [i did not use any madness sprites, since the .fla's work only with Flash 8 and i have MX '04, so it's all drawn by me]

the main character is the one who drops down, can you recognize him?

dammit i better get moving, Flash crashed onb me twice and i almost lost everything, i was SO far into the flash as well >(


as for my youtube vid, more music, but hey, i like it ^^;

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plus i love the lyrics to this one, and the beat is catchy, some other people [ok, MOST other.... oh fine.... EVERYBODY] thinks it's blarey noise ^^;

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Posted by flashman16 - September 1st, 2008

have any of you ever had a huge bang of inspiration? where you had a perfect idea all of a sudden? if you could would you carry out that inspiration? well, believe it or not i'm actually thinking of writing a book of some sort, no idea why but i just do, and thanx to this mega imagination i have i've thought up of a storyline, rather well thought out for a moments inspiration, and i have started writing it [well, typing it] right now i'm just typing the first draft, after i finish the full story i'll proof-read it and edit it, fix spelling errors etc. i'm nearly finished the 2nd chapter, but i'll put up the first draft of the 1st chapter, but this wont be like an online story thing, books can go on for 100 chapters, so if it all goes completely like a dream i'll be able to get it to a publishers and make some cash from it :D i doubt i wil but worth a go right? i've not thought up a title yet, and i wont take any ideas for titles, i'll think up a suitable title when i finish, some info about the story: it's a fiction story set nowadays about a boy named Michael, and how the arrival of a Japanese student pretty much changes his life, the main character in the book will be that Japanese pupil, but the story will be told through Michael's eyes. i hope you like it, if i can be bothered to do it i may post up other chapters but that seems unlikely. here is Chaper one of my hopefully new book (a book, a freakin' BOOK! damn.... how nerveracking, lol)

Chapter 1: A Day to Remember

Well, my name's Michael, a teen in his later stages of high school. I'm what you call the strong silent type, the lone wolf, the person you go to for help but wouldn't normally hang out with. I suppose today was just like any other day really, the usual getting screamed at for not getting up in time, dressing rapidly, easting a hurried breakfast, out the door and the walk [or as i know it, hike] to school. For nearly 6 years now it's been that same routine, over and over, thats probably one of the reasons i hate school so much. I'm not one for routine, i prefer to do it my way, in my own time, i like things to be shook up a bit, but this same ritual day in and day out drives me nuts, but i digress.

However, upon entering the registration class something caught my eye, a new pupil, a girl, sitting in the spare seat that [low and behold] was the spare one next to me; yippee...
The teacher introduced her as Mayumi Behu, a Japanese student who permanently moved to rainy old Scotland, about my age, fairly tall, good shape, she was one of those "dreamily misty types" the kind who stare out of the window all day thinking up adventures and fantasies, that pretty much describes my school day, how i have such good grades i'll never know. We were both rather tall than the average person, so we were at about the same height, lots of people were asking all sorts of stuff about which part of japan she had come from, if she could teach them Japanese etc etc, the only thing i kept thinking was how much that name sounded as if it was from an anime cartoon.

As sheer luck would have it i was appointed the task of showing her the school, where places were, who people were, well, you get the idea. She got very interested in the club building, an annex that was converted to clubs of various types a few years before my first day here. Mayumi wasn't what you would call, "normal", hard to explain, but she stood out in her own unique way, kinda like what i did. She was a bit dissappointed that no clubs were suitable for her, she was explaining what she needed, but i understood none of it, when [at last] she stopped talking, i said:
"You know, if you register it at the main school office you can set up your own club, you would need at least three members to get it official but I'm sure you could do it"
Her face lit up so much it was unbelievable, it was like i turned on a light, she replied
"Really? are you sure? oh but how would i do it? how do i even ask permission? what if nobody wants to join?"
I replied "Yes, i'm sure, it's rather easy, just fill out a few forms and your done, and I'm sure people will join"
"Well, if your sure, but you HAVE to come with me! I just CANT do it all by myself! please come help me start a club? please?"
I never could resist the pleas of someone who needed help
"uh, sure, I've got a free period now anyway, why not?"
"oh THANK you!"
Curse me and my helpful ways.... what did i get myself into?

Well the formal process went smoothly enough, i helped her out with all the paperwork and she was given the keys to a spare room in the club building. The secretaries were looking a bit skeptical at the new student starting a club on her first day, but they never said anything about it. After that we went our separate ways, me to class, she to find hopeful club members. I didn't see her again until the end of the day, I was about to walk down the hill to get home to enjoy peaceful laziness when Mayumi came running towards me:
"Oh, hi Mayumi! any luck with the club?" I asked in my usual cheery way
"Not much, I got a couple of maybes though" she added slightly hopeful
"Well its a start!"
"About starts, i was wondering, since i'm still new and have no friends apart from you..."
i couldn't help think to myself "I'm your what??"
"... I was wondering if you could become a member?"
well, how's that for a bit of a dilemma? for me at least, i wanted to say "i would but with so much school work i really cant, sorry, I'll help you look for members though"
But what i actually ended up saying was:
"Wow uhh.... well, i have nothing else to do, so yeah, ok, I'll join"
Why? WHY was i cursed with such a helpful nature?
Hours later I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. I had just done quite a few things completely out of the ordinary today, i had helped the new girl form a club when it really was better if she got used to the place first. She must be one of those "Shoot first ask later" people, the kind who jump head first into things and worry about the consequences later, then i continued that streak of not normal by signing up to that club! That was certainly a day to remember....

Posted by flashman16 - August 21st, 2008

i shoved up a FREAKIN' TINY preview of my next movie, this only shows part of the preloader (i'm having huge trouble with the preloader, help would be awesome) and about 1:40 mins of the 6 min intro (yes, a 6 minute introduction, longest intro on ng yet i think) but so far you only get 1:4something, and none of the best action is in it, basically i dont know why i'm showing it but there ya go :D

UPDATED LINK, preloader works, but not in the way i want it to, but at least the damn movie loads which is a start
http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/220808 /48119_Dark_Sonic_VS_Emerl_Ep3_preview .php

i'll shove up a small FAQ here as well

Q1) when will the full episode come out?
A) this episode will be my longest and best creation yet, so far already i think it surpasses my other flashes, but because of this the flash wont be out for quite a while, at LEAST a couple of month, at best

Q2) will you put my character in it?
A) no, i'll be making a completely seperate flash series for ALL (yes, all) fan characters who want to be in it, but you have to make your own sprites (you actually think I'LL be making them all? yeah right), i wont make

Q3) when will you make this fan series then?
A) not any time soon, you will be lucky if i start it this year

Q4) i have great ideas for flash movies, can you put them in your story?
A) you have little to no chance, more likely no chance of me accepting your ideas, i have a rather active imagination and as such i'm overflowing with ideas, these flash series are my way of venting that imagination

Q5) there is no play button in the preview! all i see is a loop!
A) i did say i was having trouble with the preloader, you may or may not see the play button, if this happens you can either just refresh the page countless times in a vain effort to see if that will work or you can just right-click and select play, that should make the play button appear, if enough people experience problems i'll repost it without the preloader,

Q6) what the hell? Eggman said Tails is alive! why the heck is there a gravestone??
A) i suppose i can let that info of the story go, just to remove confusion, Sonic and friends still believe Tails is dead, with no body to bury knuckles fashioned a fake yellow chaos emerald, similar properties to a real chaos emerald but only a tiny fraction of the energy, they buried the chaos emerald instead, what you see is sonic going back to the gravestone after the funeral they had for tails, i'll explain it more in the artists comments when i post the finished flash

Q7) SWEET! can you tell us more of the story?
A) hell no, you've seen already classified information :D

Q8) [from darknessthehedgehog or djdragondude) you said you would put my/our name/s in your flash! i dont see them!
A) read above, not only is this just 1:4something of the full flash, this is just the intro, your names will be in he main movie

any other questions i'll happily answer them

now for the vids i said i would post in every new post, not only do i like this song but this has to be the GREATEST EVER remix of an anime music video, i challenge you to find a better remix!

the original: SOS Brigade - Hare Hare Yukai PV (Full Dance Version)

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the remixed version: Suzumiya Haruhi no 3D Hare Hare Yukai Full Dance and Song

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catchy little jingle isn't it? lol

Posted by flashman16 - July 26th, 2008

if you do then i'm curious, whats your character emblem like?
mine us the pic below, and it's a covenent elite, tomorrow (hopefully) i'll get a few months of Xbox live, so i might be able to play u if u have it too :D, just look out for FlashMan16! that'll be me

you can generate your emblem here, then post the URL in the "Image" box for us all to see (the preview wont work for some reason, well, not on my comp anyway)

mines is, in the order it's on the appearance screen:
Model: Elite
Primary Player Colour: Tan
Secondary Player Colour: Blue
Primary Emblem Colour: White
Secondary Emblem Colour: Gold
Emblem Foreground: Valkyrie
Emblem Background: X1

also, if you need help on a level, i've completed the game (on normal difficulty, i got pwned on legendary lol) then i'm sure i can help

PS, which is your favourite skull? mines has to be Envy or Grunt Birthday Party, the I would Have Been Your Daddy is cool too though

PPS, btw, i found a dialogue glitch, turn subtitles on, then play the lever"The Arbiter" in the cutscene movie, when the white Elite is rallying his elites, when the rest of the elites say "We shall grind them into dust" the subtitles say "We shall grind them into dust - scrape them as excrement from out boots!"
try it! it's rather funny since they have hoofs, not boots!

UPDATE: does anybody have Skype? if so why not add me as a contact? add me as FlashMan16NG, if you dont have it, download it, it says that it needs windows 2000 or later to run, but it runs fine on my comp, and it runs Win98SE, however, it is prone to crashing out the best feature of skype? if you have a mic you can call other skype users FREE, and becoming a member of Skype is free as well (otherwise i wouldn't have got it)

UPDATE #2: if you do have Halo 2, have you ever played the level "The Great Journey" on legendary difficulty? i have, and finally won!! :D if you need help just ask! (woot! took me freaking AGES)

YES, ANOTHER UPDATE: i think i'll just do this for each new news post now, but i realy like this song, and the vid aint bad either!
if anybody wants the original music video from SOS Brigade that was used to make this i can easily provide it including complete english translation

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the song above is a remix (an ultimate remix) of this song: Butterfly by Smile D.K, i've put up the Naruto AMV for fans of Naruto

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if anybody needs lyrics i can type them up, i know them pretty much off by heart now XD, the remixedversion would be hard but i think i can pull it off

anybody here play Halo 2?

Posted by flashman16 - July 4th, 2008

HEY!! IT'S AN UPDATE!!! i need some rather specific sfx [sprites would be handy too] for Dark Sonic VS Emerl Ep3, i'll change this as i need 'em, dont bother finding character sprites, i got pwnage ones already, well, what i need so far is
: footsteps on concrete, but while it's raining, or has rained (footsteps on a hard wet surface basically) if you've played Driver for the Ps1, those footsteps you hear at the start are like what i need, except they echo too much (if you've not played Driver for Ps1 i'm sure there's a vid of it on utube)
: bigass explosion sprites, all i got are small scale explosions from the original sonic games, which are rather small in size, i'm kinda needing hugeass explosions

those who help oout with what i need WILL be credited ^^

going slowly, but still going strong
even though i'Ve not done any of the story, got oNe kickass intro started it's got some
mega sweet fade in's that took a while to get right (especially the NG logo)
everyone who likes the series so far is gonna LOVE IT, that much i can say!

really need juggernaut spritEs for SFFAH as well as VA's but im poStponing SFFAH to
let myself get good (i mean REALLY good) with sprites first,that way SFFAH wiLl PWN!

very god proGress so far on SFFAH Ep2, nice little intro set up, and a nice litTle menu
still, not much done on the ACTUAL storyline, since all i have is link's voice

dreading the end of the summer holidays though, i've got my exam results coming in
August and neRvous as always i believe i've failed everything, hopefully i avoided a fail
really hope i get gR8 scores in ComputinG since i love computing, it'll
kill me to have to drop computing since i never studied hard enough, but here is a tip STUDY!!!

on a hapPier note, yes i did have a coMpetition set up in mind!
never mind the blurB, get to the competition already!! i hear u say, so...
i doUbt people will get it but..... but here is the question,

Can you find the hiddeN words?????

3 in all, first to get all 3 wins!!!!! (well, 1 word is an aBbreviation of a word!, there is a half clue for u lol!!)
the prize is your name in Dark Sonic VS Emerl Ep3!!

i finished the puzzle since nobody got it, i put it as a comment, if you want to still and try to find the words go ahead, but the name spot goes to darknessthehedgehog and djdragondude for trying so hard to get it

PS, thanx for Link's voices WolfBlitz2!!

UPDATE: I FREAKING LOVE THIS SONG!!! i could listen to this all day!

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ANOTHER UPDATE: crap.... the finished animation is a whopping 123 KB!! which sux since the max is 40Kb for the main image, dammit...
well, i'l post it here for you all to see, watcha think?

progress on Dark Sonic VS Emerl Ep3 (and a finished competition o_0)

Posted by flashman16 - June 29th, 2008

UPDATE: LOL! i just got my microphone in today (it took AGES to arrive!) and it works fine, but i discovered (somehow) that i can do a passable Russian accent! so if anybody is doing a flash and needs someone who can speak in a Russian accent, i'm right here! lol

here is a list of my current flash projects: in order of expected appearance

Dark Sonic VS Emerl: finished

Sprite Fight Tourny (Collab): a collab started by PaperBat 06/26/08 for people who like sprite fights, similar, but better than the Super Sprite Bros Melee 2 (just didn't live up to what it was meant to be)
i'm doing 2 out of 28 fights (Sonic VS Link [completed] and Sonic VS Alex [not completed]

SFFAH: still waiting for other voice actors, and badly need juggernbaut sprites (same as the juggernaut in the ness collab, but with the attacks from this mugen game

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see the juggernaut fighting sprites? i BADLY need 'em, if anyone can find them, i'll give that person full credits for getting them

pic beow is a screenshot from Dark Sonic VS Emerl Ep2 (it's the preloader as stated above)

peace ;-)

UPDATE#2: i recoloured amy using flash, simply because i was bored of animating, so i took a break and made this, you like it?

Current Flash Projects

Posted by flashman16 - June 17th, 2008

UPDATE: since i'm waiting for voice actors to send me their voice clips, and people to actually do some VA for me, and also for AS help, i'm gonna make another sprite movie in my spare time (a sonic sprite battle, making it up as i go along) i'm gonna use characters from the "official" sonic universe (no customs, i'll make a separate sprite series for customs in the future, but
i'll need ur sprites first), i dinno what i'll call it, u'll just have to w8 and see!

i am currently in the process of making the 2nd episode "Dark Beginnings" if ANYONE wants to collab with me, please feel free to ask!
lease have sprites ready, or made fast, i cant really do much if i'm waiting for character sprites, luckily there is still a lot to do

remember, the more sprites i have, the more your character does!
any questions or ideas then please say! i value all [useful] input!

UPDATE#2: i've heard people were looking for lyrics for "The REAL Eggman" song (if you've not heard it check my favourite vids) so im gonna post the lyrics as i hear them, i may get a couple of words wrong but i think it's correct

May I have your attention, SLAVES?
I WILL have your attention, slavesuh!
Will the real Eggman please stand up?
I repeat! will the REAL Eggman please stand up??
[Urgh, I can't]

You all act like you've never seen a round guy before;
Stomach all over the floor
Like someone's drank three billion of Coors

I've been eating hours before the first rooster croo
now i plan to rap till you bore

I weigh so many pounds, it's true, I'm not kidding.
I don't get to work, my robots do my bidding

Sonic says, "No way!"
Sonic says... He's still alive! Arrgh!

I've probably got a couple of screws in my bots loose
But it's nothing worse than what's going on in Rouge's bedroom [ooohh!]
Sometimes I wanna go to the Death Egg and destroy
But can't; 'cause I need those Chaos Emeralds!!

Sonic's fast like this, Sonic's fast like that
And he somehow manages to stop all my attacks

And that's the reason why my plans are all crap;
If I don't get those emeralds, I'll surely be jacked!

Of course you're gonna stop me as your fast paced
By the time you reach my base I'll be outta that place

And when you defeat me, please don't start to celebrate;
For I'll return once again at a later date

I'm like the "Stay-Puft" man, 'cause you can't kill me;
Anything you try will just bounce right off of me

My big tubby face goes on TV
To announce you won't survive in the debris...

And there's several of them just like me
Who dress like me,
sit, command, oppress like me,
moustache like me,
And a big piece of lard like me.
And might just be an evil villain, but not quite MEE!!

I'm Eggman, yes the real Eggman
And you other Robotniks aren't as FAT as I am!
So won't the real Eggman please stand up, please stand up, PLEASE stand up!
I'm Eggman, yes the real Eggman
And you other Robotniks aren't as FAT as I am!
So won't the real Eggman please stand up! Can't stand up? Can't stand UP??

[fade out]

Video info: heard this? now on youtube! lol

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Pic Info: for some reason i got a massive urge to draw my character on a cliff at night, so i did what do u think of it? (i took the pic with my phone, so the quality of the pic is rather crap, soz)

your welcome to help out btw

Posted by flashman16 - June 13th, 2008

well, thats it up on newgrounds ^^ please watch it!