View Profile flashman16
___ I am FlashMan16 |+| It Is Time To Play ___ It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for...

Age 33, Male

The Lone Wolf

Bonny old Scotland

Joined on 8/27/07

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flashman16's News

Posted by flashman16 - February 17th, 2008

I like it so much I'm making this riddle in honour of it
4 points are up for grabs here, all you need to do is to say what each picture is called (what the name of the card is). All correct answers will get their name on my Scoreboard

TOP LEFT: SOLVED by DarknessTheHedghog
TOP RIGHT: SOLVED by DarknessTheHedghog
BOTTOM LEFT: SOLVED by DarknessTheHedghog
BOTTOM RIGHT: SOLVED by DarknessTheHedghog

I like the Yu-Gi-Oh card game

Posted by flashman16 - February 16th, 2008

Here is another batch of riddles for you all...
they are in order of difficulty (#1 is the easiest, #6 is the hardest)

#1 what happens to a yellow hat dropped into the red sea?
SOLVED by darknessthehedgehog
#2 what is the longest bone in the human body?
SOLVED by darknessthehedgehog (darknessthehedgehog got the bp)
#3 how many sides does a 50p coin have?
SOLVED by darknessthehedgehog
#4 how many sides does a £2 coin have?
SOLVED by darknessthehedgehog
#5 name ten parts of the human body with only three letters
SOLVED by darknessthehedgehog
#6 what is the word most commonly said incorrectly?
SOLVED by WolfBlitz2
these all should be easy points to grab, watch out, I will put up a hard one in my next post

rules, for the 5th riddle do not put up daft words like bum, dik, dic, poo or anything stupid like that, i'll just reject the whole answer, that makes the riddle just a bit harder ^^

btw if you want to help me make a flash (and get credit for it) then check my last post

All people who got an answer right earn their place on my Scoreboard!

Posted by flashman16 - February 10th, 2008

I'm making a flash movie (my first ever) and I need people to help!
the flash is called Sonic and the Final Fantasy, The Amulet of Hope (SFFAH for short) Episode 1: The Fall

Basically it iss he first of hopefully many of a series where Sonic has to deal with a new threat. The Overlord.

I need people to help me with music, sound effects (by help I mean by suppliying music and sfx), possibly voice and general animation support. If you can help then please contact me! All help will be appreciated!

Here is a screenshot of the first scene, the battle with Shadow on the City Outskirts. tell me what you think!

PS, I know that the bg looks lame but I drew it myself with Paint to cover up the background of the sprite sheets that I used.

I need help!

Posted by flashman16 - February 8th, 2008

Here are three riddles for you to solve, yes that does mean that there are 3 points up for grabs!

#1 What is the missing number in this sequence: 20, 1, 18, 4, 13, 6, ..., 15, 2, 17 (please say how you got this answer, dont just randomly guess! no reason, no point!) SOLVED by Kid

#2 How far can you run in a straight line through a forest? SOLVED by Gatling

#3 What do these have in common? SOLVED by WolfBlitz2

A few brainteasers

Posted by flashman16 - February 7th, 2008

Who can solve this one?

Find out the remaining sides and angles in this triangle, you could solve my last maths riddle with a scientific calculator, now you will need one, need to know how to use it!
SLOVED by meneldil

The Triangle of DOOM!

Posted by flashman16 - February 7th, 2008

Which ONE out of these ten maths equations is the ODD ONE OUT?

Who is the math wizard of NG (apart from me!)
Tip: Do the equations as a whole, not bit by bit!
Here's what the symbols mean:
+ is add
- is subtract
/ is divid
x is multiply
^ is to the power of
SOLVED by meneldil

Posted by flashman16 - February 7th, 2008

Here are the puzzle busters of all my riddles so far!

The runners up are... darknessthehedgehog & WolfBlitz2!
(if ti is a draw then it the solvers are arranged by who solved a puzzle first)

Everybody who got at least one point is here V
50vmp = 1 puzzle solved
Gatling = 3 puzzles solved
meneldil = 3 puzzles solved
Kid = 2 puzzles solved
LOLZILLA = 1 puzzle solved
WolfBlitz2 = 5 puzzles solved
darknessthehedgehog = 11 puzzles solved
FlashMan16 (lol) = 2 puzzles solved
wild-drake = 1 puzzle solved
Aya-Brea = 20 puzzles solved
Cyberdevil = 1 puzzle solved

All "puzzles solved" include Bonus Points


Posted by flashman16 - February 3rd, 2008

Since people responded in large numbers with my last set of riddles I made up this Murder Mystery one! Here it is...

It is the 1950s, in the middle of winter, there is a manor on a hillside in the country. The famous inspector Herlock Sholmes is called to solve a murder case (Sherlock Holmes was busy at the time), the Lady Adele has been murdered in the middle of a frosty night, she was an unkindly old woman in her late sixties, she was discovered in the lounge with a single stab wound in the back. The Inspector interrogates the three suspects, they are the Butler, who was at the receiving end of the Ladies anger and was made to do the most ridiculous tasks (one was to measure the chimney from the inside, then his pay was docked when he got covered in soot), the Maid who was forced to literally clean the entire Manor from top to bottom, then made to do it all again because of one speck of dust, this happened every single day, and the gardener, who was given a very small pair of scissors to cut the grass to make sure it was even. This took nearly 3 days to complete as there was a lot of land with the manor, and more than often he was made to do it all over again due to one mistake.
Herlock gets 3 alibi's each from the three suspects

The Butler: It was late at night, I was made to measure each room in the house to make sure that there was an even number of centimetres in each room, naturally I thought that was stupid and so I took the Letter opener knife and opened the Ladies mail for the day. All she received was bills. At around midnight I heard a scream and rushed downstairs to find her body in the Lounge. The Lady was never a nice woman but she didn't deserve to die like that...

The Gardener: I was very tired, I just finished the 3rd plot of land with these scissors, I mean look at them! they're tiny!, anyway, I was walking back when I thought I heard a scream, so I went up to the window where the scream came from (I had to wipe off the frost to see inside) and there was her body, I went inside to see if it was true and it really was, they say that people look asleep when they're dead, but the Lady just looked dead, dead and cold...

The Maid: I was finishing the chores the Lady set me, I was cleaning the windows then I picked up the clothing scissors to cut some fray threads from my Mistresses clothes, It was very late at night when I heard a scream, I dropped down the scissors and ran downstairs into the lounge, and there she was, lying there in the middle of the room. I lit the fire for you Inspector before you came in since the room was so cold...

Herlock acknowledges that all suspects are very likely to have murdered Lady Adele, however he takes one minute to decide then places one of the three people under arrest for murder, who is it and why?

RULES: This is a classic Who-Dunnit?, one of the three killed the Lady, you MUST give the correct person AND the correct reason of why their alibi is a complete pile of shit.
If you give the correct person but the wrong reeason then your whole answer is marked as wrong, and vice versa, the only way you will win and go on to the scoreboard (coming soon) is to give the correct person AND the correct reason.

Looks like this riddles solved, while I check up on who goes on, and make the scoreboard why dont you all try to solve this joke riddle
you have ten horses and nine stables (the nine stables are shown in the pic) how do fit the ten horses in the nine stables, each stable is one horse big and all ten horses must be in the stables
Now I will put up the scoreboard, the puzzle was SOLVED by meneldil

Here's another riddle!

Posted by flashman16 - January 17th, 2008

See if anyone can solve this riddle...

3 men are in a rowing boat in the middle of the sea, they have 4 cigarettes and no way to light up whatsoever (In other words they left their matches and lighters at the pub), how do they smoke?
SOLVED by Gatling

Here's another...

by adding ONE straight line make this correct...
950 = I0I0I0
SOLVED by Gatling

d another one...

There is a camel race in the desert and their are two people in the race, the race rules state that the LAST camel back would be declared the winner, so both racers set out for the checkpoint as slowely as possible, then they sleep at the checkpoint. There is no danger of any kind yet while the other racer sleeps the 1st racer hops on his opponents camel (which was nearer) and raced back to the finish as fast as he could, why? (SOLVED by 50vmp)

I downloaded Flash 5 a little while ago and am still figuring what all the wee bells and whistles all do, when I figure everything out the first 1st person who answers one correctly will have their username in my first Flash submission, that means that 3 people who is the first to answer a riddle each (correctly) will have their usernames in my first Flash. this also means that you could have your username in my Flash 3 different times!, if you have any tricks-of-the-trade with making flash movies PM me, all help will be appreciated.

Also, for anyone who wants to know, the name of my Flash will be
Sonic and the Final Fantasy, the Amulet of Hope
(this is going to be a rather big progect, so the finishing time is unclear, hopefully within the next few weeks but could be longer thanks to these damn exams I have to sit)

Well thats, that, all three riddles were solved
#1 A. They threw one cigarette overboard to make the boat a cigarette "lighter"(weight wise) with this "lighter" they light up

#2 A. Put the line on the middle I to make 950 = I0T0I0 (think of a digital clock)

#3 A. The racer jumps on his opponents camel and races it to the finish line to win, the rules stated that the last CAMEL back would win, the rules said nothing about the racers so the first racer wins.
I'LL think of more riddles for you.
I just drew this for darknessthehedgehog, it's been updated to show the 4 modes that I have completed, tell me what you think!

Here's a riddle...

Posted by flashman16 - January 16th, 2008

Here's what whappened, I was using my laptop way back in around August/September time when I lent my dear old dad use it to let him search on why the Iexplore trojan virus kept swalowing up the cpu usage (we still dont know how to fix it, all ideas welcome!); anyway, when I got back from school I found the blubbering eejit surrounded by parts from my laptop, THE BLOODY JACKASS SPILT HIS TEA ON IT AND NOW ITS F****D!!!!, the sugar in the tea corroded the middle motherboard layer which basically means that there is no way back, my prized Toshiba Satellite is gone forever. Now I'm getting a computer expert to take out the useful things from the dead laptop (for those who want to know were taking out the modem, DVD drive, hard disk, both graphics and video cards and anything else we can salvage to see if we can plug them in to the pc as externals). To say sorry my dad got me a new laptop (with windows 98???) and the pc expert is getting us a new desktop computer and even a wireless card (isn't that nice of him, if everybody were like that we wouldn't need lawers, wouldn't that breathe of fresh air?), now I'm using my new laptop to get back on Newgrounds.com and promise to bring more songs to the Audio Portal, and when I get the software start contributing to the Flash Portal as well!

So, to sum up I'M BACK!!!!!